Susan Conrad

Susan Conrad


Susan is all about cultivating calm and presence. It is important to her to share what she has found through the practice of yoga: safety, consistency, warmth and connection. Her studies include Modo Yoga 500 hour teacher training, Yin training and Yoga Nidra with Kate Kuss of Soul and Steady Yoga and Sound Bath training with Sara Auster.

Susan’s lifelong yoga journey began by practicing yoga with her older sister in front of the TV watching “Lilias Yoga and You”. She found her next yoga teacher in an unlikely place: the Learning Annex, where she connected with Ana Sussman, studying out of a 3rd floor East Village walkup every Thursday for 11 years. Since then she has studied at Kripalu Yoga and Modo Yoga NYC. Susan is beyond delighted to share her teachings at Sui yoga.

After a career in the corporate publishing world, Susan now pursues all things creative: painting, fashion, graphics, yoga and artful living. She loves to travel and fill the well with sights, sounds and adventures! Her personal goal is to learn, grow and stretch in yoga and every other way. She hopes to help others do the same.

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