Building Resilience Through Challenges
Building Resilience Through Challenges
Why challenges are your friend.

In the second half of September, we will focus on another set of seemingly contradicting forces related to transformation: strength and letting go. Sometimes, it takes strength to release something and to venture into the unknown.
Similarly, some of the most vulnerable and open people I know are also those who I admire for their resilience and ability to laugh at their mistakes. These individuals aren’t afraid to let their personalities shine – like a river stone polished smooth by years of tumbling through grit and rushing water.
This is When You Get Stronger
One winter afternoon in high school, my swimming coach and I were running laps around Central Park’s Reservoir. My lungs were burning in the December evening air, and I wanted so badly to stop – that’s when she told me, “this is when you get stronger.”
My friend, a competitive fencer, shared that some of her best matches come after she hits rock bottom. In those moments, she says, her survival instinct kicks in, and she thinks, “I’m going to do whatever it takes to get through this.” Sometimes, a challenge can inspire intense energy, propelling you to achieve anything you want.
Why We Need Challenges
Challenges aren’t necessarily problems or something negative. Just as working through conflict in relationships in a healthy way can bring you closer together, challenges can help you to connect more deeply with yourself.
A challenge can reveal areas of weakness and potential for growth, just as my coach said. It is an opportunity for change and exploration.
Strength and Yoga
What I love about yoga is how a centuries-old practice can still feel incredibly personal. Yoga can mean something different for everyone, as each person’s mental conditioning, body, and life experiences are unique. More than just a practice, yoga serves as a light that illuminates your thoughts and enhances your awareness of your body and mind.
We hope that you can discover your own special brand of strength through your unique experiences on – and off – the mat.
Exercises for Exploring Strength and Resilience:
- Journal prompt: Think of a challenging situation you overcame. What strengths did you discover within yourself?
- Class Focus: Focus on strengthening poses such as Plank Pose (Phalakasana) and Chair Pose (Utkatasana) to build physical and mental resilience. Notice how focusing on your form affects your experience of the pose. You can try pushing forward with your toes, squeezing your glutes, tucking your hips, and pushing up through your shoulders to engage your scapula.
- IG Share: Post a personal story or testimonial about overcoming a challenge and the strength gained from it. You never know who you might inspire!
- Listen to a podcast episode or video on building resilience, like “The Tim Ferriss Show” with Brené Brown on vulnerability and resilience.