Transforming Through Letting Go

Transforming Through Letting Go


Doing less so you can do more.

Working with the moon cycles is another way to learn to flow of change.

As the saying goes, “less is more,” but how is this possible? While this saying may seem contradictory, change and growth don’t have to involve adding something new like exercising more, gaining knowledge, or buying a bigger house. They can also be about unlearning old stories, a good spring cleaning, and moving away from your hometown – in other words, letting go. 

As we enter this last week of September, the sun is still shining brightly in New York City, but the leaves are beginning to turn red and yellow. Letting go is never easy, but the beautiful weather makes the end of summer very enjoyable!

One of my friends has moved several times in her life – from Mexico City, to San Francisco, finally landing in New York City. As someone born and raised in the Big Apple, I’ve never experienced what it’s like to make a new city home or to pick up my life for more than a couple months at a time. She shared with me that letting go is never easy, but if we never let go of anything, we would never change. Despite her moves between countries and coast-to-coast, she is still amazed by the trees that let go of their leaves every autumn.

Sometimes, letting go can feel necessary, like the next right step, much like a hermit crab outgrowing its shell. In high school, that little building was my whole life for four years and I couldn’t imagine life beyond it, but, on the day of our graduation ceremony, I was ready to move on and even excited for the change. Perhaps that’s why Fall is so grand and showy – because change is something that should be celebrated and acknowledged! 

Hot yoga can be a beneficial practice for supporting and navigating change, as it cultivates mindfulness and allows for physical release – which is important since we tend to hold tension in our bodies. Some teachers incorporate more somatic release practices than others, so we encourage you to explore our different class offerings and see what works best for you! 

Within the yoga practice, poses that involve cleansing twists and forward folds – such as Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivrtta Trikonasana) and Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana) – symbolize release and transformation. One of my favorites is Ardha Matsyendrasana, or seated spinal twist. 

Journal prompt: Reflect on something you need to let go of to move forward. How can releasing this help you grow? 

While you’re off the mat, other practices you can incorporate into your life to explore this week’s theme of letting go are journaling at Sui Cafe or trying Marie Kondo’s tidying up method, also known as the KonMari method. I personally tried to KonMari my belongings, and while I didn’t fully succeed, I learned a lot about my relationship with my material possessions, mental health, and sense of security. For me, tidying up served as a meditation on letting go! 

Good luck on your journey, and we hope to see you on the mat soon!

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