Melissa Grywalski
Melissa Grywalski
Melissa discovered yoga while attending Montclair State University for a BFA concentrating in sculpture. In her exploration of yoga she learned about energy work and became certified in Reiki and Healing Touch.
In 2018 Melissa embarked on her 200hr yoga teacher training with Powerflow Yoga lead by Carrie Parker and Stacy Bell. Soon to follow she completed an 85HR Prenatal Yoga training, becoming an evidence based birth doula with Birth International.
Melissa has also completed her 35HR Yin and Restorative teacher training with Masako Miyakawa. She has worked with women in recovery and is certified in addiction and trauma yoga.
As of recent, traveling and teaching yoga created a dream to eventually move back to Puerto Rico to reconnect to her heritage and open a retreat space with daily yoga, holistic services and ethical tourism.